Coaches offer valuable services that help in capacity building, hence they should be positioned in places where they can offer these services and meet the needs of their trainees.
What has social media got to do with this?
Coaches need to be positioned well to provide the services they offer. They need to be at the right place and social media helps with that.
Why Facebook of all other platforms?
Facebook is by far the largest social media platform. It houses most of the users of social media. It is the most successful of them all.
It has the highest number of daily active users - Every day, Facebook leads the leaderboard of active users. The numbers keep rising each day.
Facebook is the greatest marketing tool - With Facebook Ads, marketing is made easier, which is a good thing for coaches looking for people to add value to.
Why Coaches should have Facebook groups
It allows for Feedback - This is important for coaches as feedback is an avenue for improvement, inspiration, and motivation.
Sharing and learning are made easier - Coaches can share information with a larger audience at once. They don't need to say the same thing over and over again. They can pass information swiftly.
More personal relationships - It aids the growth of personal relationships as coaches can get to learn more about their clients and prospective clients.
More competition - Having a Facebook group is competitive, and it helps the coach be innovative. Where there's competition, growth is inevitable. The coaches will teach and train better.
Overall it helps to create and maintain their brand - When a coach has a group, he/she will be able to carve out a brand, grow it and maintain it. It gives the coach a unique voice.